I feel as though I'm confused about replay gain in general. Given, please correct me if I'm wrong.
1. Replay Gain (RG):
1a. RG is automatically added when you add music folders via config utility?
2a. What's the impact RG, if any, has when selecting scan mode as fast, normal, or full?
3a. Via android, Having Replay Gain selected respectfully, does this permanently edit the the files volume by tag embedding the file?
4a. Via android, with RG selected on, is this data then locally stored on your device for each such gained file?
5a. Via android, with RG selected on, does this locally stored data still save if cache is selected off? Is there's a diff btwn cached downloaded and saved RG that is stored locally?
2. AudioFX (FX):
2a. Via android, So this is basically Replay Gain on the fly? No RG data is then stored locally if FX is selected on with RG selected off?
2b. Is there any type of data stored locally, per file, wit FX selected on but RG selected off?
All in all, I don't want my streamed tracks tampered with, regarding permanent volume editing implemented. I LOVE the RG option and truly appreciate it, but these files I'm streaming are my only copies. I know, data isn't data unless it's backup somewhere else, I'm working on that 😁 lol. Given, I would like to just have RG done on the fly, if such setting/option is applicable within the confines of the MuzeCast Android app.
Sorry for all of the questions and concerns, I'm that Virgo who asks a million questions. I also hope that I'm not that guy who fails to read other topics where my answers will be found. If so, I'm so sorry.
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Edited by user Sunday, December 18, 2016 2:43:35 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified