Hi Oleg,
See my replies below...
Originally Posted by: Oleg 
Have you updated some Android Internet Security app on your devices?
Not that I'm aware of. I use Lookout. I also don't use automatic updates, so I would have remembered if it had requested updating.
Originally Posted by: Oleg 
If you have port 80 used by some other software, try to use port 21, or 23, or 8080.
Could you try either to configure port 80, or tick checkbox: "Do not configure firewall" ON and see if you will be able to stream.
I have a unique port configured and set in NAT on my router. Obviously this has worked in the past.
The "Do not configure Firewall" checkbox was not ticked. I have now ticked it.
UpdateIn an effort to fix this I rebooted all my devices and then set the HomeDJ server to rescan my folders (Normal mode).
Instead of seeing 84,000 songs the app only listed about 100.
When I tried to play these the first track did not play, but on selecting the next track, it began playing. So streaming seems to be working again.
I tried indexing a second time - this time it listed about 600 songs.
I've now tried indexing for a third time and it's only listed 244 songs.
It seems that scanning is failing for some reason