This topic still in progress...
Muzecast is a complete platform to stream any type of DRM-free music files from your Home Computer to any Android device anywhere you are.
Requirements1. Android Muzecast Streamer installed from any Android Market on your Android device;
2. Muzecast Desktop Streaming Server (Windows only) installed on your Home Computer;
3. Home Internet connection with at least upload speed 512 kbps/s;
4. Registration with Muzecast network;
Once you installed Android Muzecast Streamer, it will ask you for User Name and Password. If you never registered with Muzecast, you can register, once you install Muzecast Desktop Streaming Server.
Why Register?
Using registration information, Muzecast Desktop Streaming Server will publish location of your Home Computer to Muzecast Central Server and will connect to Central Muzecast Servers and will listen for any command sent from Android Muzecast Streamer.
Using registration information, Android Muzecast Streamer will find record for your Home Computer in Muzecast Central Server and will forward any command from Android Muzecast Streamer to your Home Computer.
In that case you do not have to have any Internet Name registered, or know your IP address all the time.
Edited by user 10 years ago
| Reason: Not specified